I'm back (but I have a problem)


Chris Green: The Authorpreneur

Professional Book Marketer Helping Authors SELL MORE BOOKS

I never intended to be a public speaker.

I just kinda fell into it when Amazon first rolled out their FBA program.

And for years, I would travel and speak at some kind of reseller or Amazon event almost every month.

Then COVID hit and shut everything down.

And I really haven't taken the stage since things opened back up.

But that is all about to change.

The Books & Beyond Conference in Las Vegas is September 13-15 and I'll be taking the stage for the first time in years.

But I have NO IDEA what to talk about.

Don't get me wrong; I realize it's a good problem to have.

The event is primarily about making money online by buying and reselling BOOKS.

And I could talk at length about any number of things that I'm generally known for in the space. Things like Amazon, FBA, eBay, retail arbitrage, online arbitrage, flipping, thrift stores, yard sales, book sales, estate sales, software, and mobile apps.

But it's not 'just books'. It's books and BEYOND.

So I could also talk about other things like book marketing, lead generation, email marketing, buying and selling domains, or my favorite topic, self-publishing.

I really want to help people. I want to help them overcome whatever is in their way and holding them back. I want to make an impact.

So I might even touch on some bigger topics like Impostor Syndrome, the Dunning-Kruger Effect, or even ADHD.

One thing that I do know is that I will make a big announcement about something that will really fast-track and help anyone who wants to learn how to make money online reselling books.

The organizers don't know about it yet, but as someone who has literally scanned, BY HAND, over ONE MILLION BOOKS, I know that it's something that will help anyone looking to learn more about how to find and buy PROFITABLE BOOKS.

It's a way for anyone to get YEARS OF EXPERIENCE in scanning books right from the comfort of their own home.

Skeptical? You should be! It's a big claim.

I'll announce it at the event and everyone in attendance will get an awesome gift from me.

So if you are anywhere near Las Vegas in September, and you want to:

  • Make money online
  • Learn how to buy and resell books
  • Learn the ins-and-outs of Amazon
  • Network with successful entrepreneurs

Then you should come to this event!

But don't come just to see me. There is an INSANE lineup of great speakers, many that I know personally, who are some of the most open and generous people who want to help you succeed.

Questions about the event (or anything else)?

Just ask!

Let me know if I'll see you there!

Chris Green

Chris Green: The Authorpreneur

Professional Book Marketer Helping Authors SELL MORE BOOKS