I don't even need a scanner to find profitable books. So what is my BIG SECRET? (big reveal in Las Vegas)


Chris Green: The Authorpreneur

Professional Book Marketer Helping Authors SELL MORE BOOKS

I've scanned a lot of books to resell on Amazon. A LOT.

In fact, I've scanned OVER A MILLION BOOKS to date.

And that's one of the reasons why I'm good at it.

The scanners and apps that are used today are SO MUCH BETTER than what I used to scan books with. Because of this, it's never bee EASIER to start a book reselling business online.

If you're just starting, you're really going to want to use a scanning app and learn as much as you can about FBA fees and Sales Rank.

But the biggest advantage a book reseller can have is EXPERIENCE.

I've scanned so many books over the years that I do feel as though I have a type of 'sixth sense' when it comes to identifying good books to resell.

Honestly, it's hard to even describe. But I can look at a stack of books and, while I'm not perfect, I can usually pick out the 'good ones' without using my phone.

It's a combination of subjects, sizes, covers, the look, and the feel. It's not something that can be taught. You acquire this by repetition.

So how can a new book reseller gain this skill? Easy! Go to every book sale and thrift store in town and SCAN EVERY SINGLE BOOK until you develop your own 'sixth sense'.

But what if there was a FAST-TRACK way to get this experience without even leaving your house?

Good news! I have a way to do this and I'll be revealing it in Las Vegas NEXT MONTH at the Books & Beyond Conference!

Will I see you there?

And I'll have something super fresh and downright amazing to share with all of those in attendance. This is an event that you don't want to miss!

Did you know that before FBA existed, I used to sell books on Amazon? This was before iPhone apps, before 4G, and even before FBA.

I would take a database scanner (a Windows CE PDA) to book sales and thrift stores and literally scan every single book. I'd buy the good ones and list them on Amazon. I had to keep stopping by Lowe's on the way home to buy more book shelves to store them all.

And every day, I would receive dozens of orders that I'd have to pick, pack, and take to the post office. Honestly, it was fun and good money.

Then, FBA came along, and the rest is history.

But I still love books! I've repeatedly said that they are the easiest way to get into selling on Amazon and making money online.

Why? Because they are EASY!

-Easy to find AND low cost (book sales, thrift stores, yard sales, estate sales)

-Easy to identify (since they have barcodes and ISBN numbers)

-Easy to transport, store, ship, and send to FBA

In fact TO THIS DAY I still scan and buy books. There's just something about finding a $100+ book for $1 that never gets old.

If you've always wanted to learn more about making money by buying and selling books, then I have some GREAT NEWS:

The Books & Beyond Conference in coming to Las Vegas on September 13-15 and I'll be there as a speaker!

And I'll have something super fresh and downright amazing to share with all of those in attendance. This is an event that you don't want to miss!

Hit me up with questions.

Chris Green

Chris Green: The Authorpreneur

Professional Book Marketer Helping Authors SELL MORE BOOKS