Books & Beyond Conference (Ticket prices going UP soon)


Chris Green: The Authorpreneur

Professional Book Marketer Helping Authors SELL MORE BOOKS

Well? Are you coming?

A weekend in Vegas.

Learning how to sell books online for big profits.

While you hang out with hundreds of other online entrepreneurs.

Yeah, it's a good time. Yeah, it's business related.

If you still haven't bought your ticket, now is the time. The price is GOING UP so please don't wait until the last minute and pay more.

Here are three ways to see if this is the event for you:

First, if you're just starting out, this type of event is a MUST. Selling books online isn't difficult, but there are some important details that you really need to know. Like how to read a Keepa graph so that you aren't buying books that will never sell.

Second, if you're already selling books online but you know that you could be doing better, then come to this event and learn from some of the most successful booksellers on the planet. There will be presentations about dominating your local used book market all the way to buying massive pallets of books in bulk!

Third, if you just want to meet and connect with hundreds of other successful booksellers, this is literally the best place on earth to do so. Online entrepreneurship can be isolating and even lonely. Attending events like Books & Beyond are the best place to meet like-minded people and you can keep those relationships going long after the event is over.

And I'll have something super fresh and downright amazing to share with all of those in attendance. This is an event that you don't want to miss!

Hit me up with questions.

Chris Green

How well do you understand Sales Rank?

Understanding Sales Rank can absolutely give you an unfair advantage when it comes to scanning and selling books.


Because most book sellers still don't know what Sales Rank actually represents!

A single Sales Rank that you see when you scan a book is great! It's definitely better than nothing, but it's not the whole picture. That one data point simply tells you how recently the book last sold on Amazon.

Maybe it was months ago and the Sales Rank is in the millions. Or it's under 100,000 and likely sells multiple times per day. Or it sold yesterday for the first time in five years. Or it's an incredibly valuable book with a high Sales Rank that hasn't sold for a long time because it's been out of stock.

A better way to read Sales Rank is OVER TIME. You can see how FREQUENTLY a book sells on Amazon when you can decipher a Sales Rank graph to determine how many copies of a book have sold over the past three months or even the past year.

This book is a GREAT example. Imagine finding this book at a book sale or thrift store priced at $1. I guarantee you that if different book sellers scanned this book that some would buy it and some would not.

Perception, Cognition, and Decision Training: The Quiet Eye in Action

Here's the thing: depending on WHEN YOU SCANNED THIS BOOK, the Sales Rank could be as low as 150,000 or as high as 2,000,000.

When you know how to interpret Sales Rank and read Keepa graphs, you can quickly and easily see that this book has SOLD FOR $100+ SIX TIMES in the past three months and THIRTY TIMES over the past year.

So while this book may sell INFREQUENTLY (compared to other books), this book still sells CONSISTENTLY.

And $1 into $100 is a no-brainer buying decision.

These are the kinds of books that are frequently left behind at book sales and estate sales because so many book sellers still don't understand Sales Rank. They want their phone to tell them YES or NO so that they don't have to make decisions themselves.

I still run into other booksellers at thrift stores and estate sales and many of them will say that they don't buy books ranked over 1,000,000 because they, "take too long to sell."


Keep learning as much as you can so that you can become a successful and PROFITABLE bookseller!

And the best way to do this? By attending the Books & Beyond Conference in Las Vegas where you can meet with hundreds of other successful booksellers!

I'll be there as a speaker and I'll have a special announcement for everyone in attendance.

The event starts in JUST TWO WEEKS! There is still time to book your ticket, but don't wait until it's too late. LOCK IN your ticket now!

And I'll have something super fresh and downright amazing to share with all of those in attendance. This is an event that you don't want to miss!

Hit me up with questions.

Chris Green

Chris Green: The Authorpreneur

Professional Book Marketer Helping Authors SELL MORE BOOKS